Many school districts operate much like a large, complex business.
When the business solutions that make them run — like budgeting software, payroll systems or invoice automation — fall short, it can affect everyone...students, teachers, executives and suppliers.
Sometimes, a school lacks the proper support staff to manage its processes, due to retirement or lost resources. Other times, aging business systems that were implemented years ago no longer match today's needs. In some cases, a school needs to level up its processes to fix audit findings or support rapid growth.
It's time for some help!
Meridian Partners offers K-12 focused services to help school districts run more efficiently. As your services partner, we will develop a strategy to remediate and optimize your business processes, technology-based landscape, and applications. And that means more money for students and teachers!
We know that our clients:
Need a partner who knows how K-12 works
Want the implementation agility to meet critical timelines.
Want certainty...They cannot afford budget surprises and overruns.
Have business requirements that have a heavy reliance on performance, reliability and security.
Meridian has provided two decades of services to many leading school districts across the United States.
At Miami Dade Public Schools, a K-12 focused custom budgeting solution was designed, built, and successfully rolled out to 600+ end-users by Meridian Partners. The new comprehensive system replaced a legacy budgeting tool that was difficult to modify or update, and it allowed the district's users increased flexibility, visibility, and new analysis capabilities.
At Polk County Public Schools, after over a decade of use, the district's ERP system needed a refresh of its financial applications and processes. Meridian Partners rolled out a new accounting structure, increased system reliability and updated many processes that were inefficient and outdated. Meridian also led the rollout of a cloud-based solution for healthcare and benefits administration. The new benefit system provides the district with a state-of-the-art platform to simplify benefits administration, improve employee engagement and compliance, and lower costs